Reach Financial Objectives With Feasibility Analysis

ENF is the strategy firm and consultancy driving small business and innovative start-up's of the future. Our advanced methodologies meticulously aligns custom ad spend formulas to feasibility analysis, calculating the degree to which firms can reach financial objectives.

Advertising Strategy

Marketing Strategy


Ad Spend


Start A Business


Reach Financial Objectives


Introduce New Products

Marketing Strategy

Crafting unique marketing strategy

Our team of media planning experts and data scientists ensures your campaigns are backed by insightful strategies.

Stay at the forefront of media planning and optimization innovation with our commitment to continuous improvement and technological advancements.

ENF Feasibility

Optimize your analytics and advertising strategy and make it your competitive advantage.

ENF FEZ combines paid media planning and feasibility analysis to calculate the degree and likely hood to which high level strategic initiatives can be met.

Advertising Strategy

Say goodbye to the traditional one size fits all digital marketing agency approach to digital analytics and advertising. The ENF-business unit understands that every business is unique. We craft custom advertising spend formulas specifically tailored to your objectives based on an advanced digital feasibility analysis.. Achieve optimal results with budgets that are as dynamic as your business landscape.

Analytics Strategy

Leverage the power of predictive analytics to forecast market trends, consumer behaviour, and competitive landscapes. Stay steps ahead by making informed decisions that resonate with your audience. Make real-time adjustments to your advertising spend based on the latest trends and performance metrics, ensuring you're always on the cutting edge.

Enabling Start ups And Innovative Business

Global firms and startup business around the world use the ENF-FEZ formula to introduce new products and business units to the market.

Choose ENF-FEZ to unlock a new era of scientific precision in advertising optimization. ENF-FEZ ensures that every advertising decision is anchored in robust scientific principles.


Our formulas are rooted in real-time analytics, ensuring that every decision is backed by accurate and relevant information. This data-driven approach enhances your ability to make informed choices, leading to more effective breakeven and growth strategies.


Leverage predictive analytics to gain a deep understanding of a businesses ability to grow by allocating resources and creating marketing campaigns to gain market share. From customer trends to market dynamics, empower yourself with the knowledge to meet market demand .


ENF-FEZ is integral to business strategies of the future. Feasibility (FEZ), is new set of code-based algorithms leveraging big data. Increase revenue growth or profitability through the use of advanced analytics allowing business to create custom ad spend formulas for revenue streams.


Get excellent market entry results without the risk and trouble of classical business failures. ENF-FEZ is a custom feasibility analysis solution to startup investment. Receive business specific advertising spend formulas to reach financial objectives.